Thursday, February 13, 2020

Pay Attention Folks

Don't become jaded and just assume that everything is, well, okay.

If you have not heard an additional 15,000 people in China now have the Coronavirus. That was one day worth of counting sick. 24 hours.

The Chinese have changed their counting methods to a more "honest" one. 

That's 52,000 Chinese people with the virus and 1300 dead. 60,000 worldwide.

The cruise ship that is quarantined off the coast of Japan has 700+ people with the virus. 44 new cases in the last day.

Then, there is this story, that the virus is a weaponized version of a virus that has gotten "loose" from the lab in Wuhan. I had suspected this because I had heard that the laboratories for the People's Liberation Army's  biological warfare was in Wuhan, the center of the outbreak of the virus. 

Rio is concerned about the virus spread with Carnival coming up.  

I wonder if New Orleans has done anything about Mardi Gras?  Hope alcohol and looking at breasteses kills the virus?

Keep an eye out, monitor the news, use good sense. Don't panic....

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