How much of our life have we worried about this crap.
You know, as many of you know, I grew up in pretty religious background and in high school especially, we had so much crap beat into our heads of stuff not to do.
I mean really.
I mean, the post I put on Facebook this morning concerning dancing and Baptists, I can remember sermons, and our Sunday School teacher telling us not to dance at the prom. Was evil, wicked, whatever....But especially, lustful thought.....Heck ever teenager has so many hormones cursing through their system that dancing and changing much of anything, and besides, in those days, we generally danced about 3 feet apart anyway. Teenage boys especially are just one big lust and they can't help it.
We danced anyway, but on Sunday when we went to church, some of those know it all's who where at the prom told on us, so we got " the look" ......
Come on, dance. Wish I wasn't so white so when I do I look like I'm having an epileptic seizure.
Same with drinking alcohol. Beat over our heads not to drink. And what was Jesus' first miracle? Water into wine? And the Baptist leadership had the gall to tell the wine was like Welch's Grape Juice, no alcohol.
Come on, it was at a wedding. Do you really think in the First Century a bunch of Jews are serving grape juice? At a celebration?
My favorite joke of all time is as follows.
Q: When you go fishing, why do you always carry two Baptists?
A: Cause if you take only one, they will drink all the beer.
Heck even hardheaded Paul took a nip every now and again. Read 1 Timothy 5:23...I'm not talking about getting "likkered up" every night or driving DWI....
Even Proverbs 31:6-7 says
Let beer be for those who are perishing
wine for those in anguish
Let them drink and forget their poverty
and remember their misery no more
It's like the Baptists being all upset about homosexuality...Never mind half the congregation is divorced. ( Look and see what Jesus says about divorce read Mark 10:1-12, show me a verse where He talks about homosexuality.)
I knew more people in the church leadership who ran off with someone other than their spouse and never did I ever hear a sermon on that. Destroyed families. But love someone of the same sex? Well, we can't have that.
One of the biggest deacons involved in youth leadership( teen boys) left his wife, and do you think it was mentioned to us? But when it was found out two of the youth, 18, still in high school, were caught with both of their shirts off parking in front of one's house( Weren't even smashing) do you think that was "overlooked?" Come on, it was a sermon like no other. I am convinced because youth have no money to tithe, their "sins" are worse.
And sermons on sex outside married is no longer "en vogue"
This is the same group who want to outlaw gay marriage, or gays being able to hold certain jobs, etc.....They're the ones who never would dream of putting a law on the books outlawing sex outside marriage....Probably either because they got a side chick or backdoor man....Or they are dreaming of the day they can get their Administrative Assistant into their office and bend her over the desk....
I just wonder how much of my time I have lost in my life worrying about stuff like this?
I wasn't a "bad kid" I wasn't in much trouble, well not too much.
But used to worry about this stuff, and well, I shouldn't have.
I'm sorry, you can't work your way into heaven.
Do the best you can, we're all going to mess up from time to time. I know I upset some people when I confess my sins on the blog. But you know, it is cleansing.
You need to love on some folks. Everyone needs a hug, some sort now and again. I never was a "hug" kind of person, but life is too short.
Thus endeth the lesson-
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