Monday, March 2, 2020

Are Y'all Seeing This?

I made a quick trip to the dry cleaners, the grocery store this morning and there were people in the grocery with masks on, including clerks.

About 10-15%. ( This was Orange)

This morning, one of the morning news shows had a couple of doctors giving advice, just common sense.

"Wash you hands, use a tissue to press elevator buttons( if I ever use an elevator, than again we used one at Baylor Medical last week) use tissues to open doors, handrails, etc. Use sanitizer when you can't wash. "

But he was skeptical of masks because " People do not know how to use them correctly."

I know yesterday, the Baptist Church my wife attends had out N95 masks. The minister had just gotten lucky and found a batch at a store and passed them out to all members on Sunday. N95, heck most masks are not to be found.

Are you seeing people taking precaution?

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