Wednesday, March 4, 2020

I No Longer Understand What it Means

I no longer understand what it means to be a man anymore. I really do not.

I sort of say this in the light of Chris Matthews being "fired" or "forced to retire" from his job on a cable new network.

Now, I could not stand to listen to what he was saying most of the time, but I often would switch over to check out what he was wearing, and switch back to the local news. A grad of a East Coast university, he dressed in a traditional "prep/trad" way to some of us still try and maintain.

So, earlier this week, he was fired for saying what was termed " Sexual Harassment" and when I read what he had said, it is something I have heard guys my age and older ( Matthews is 74) say, in what they in their minds think it is flirting. ( I wouldn't have said what he said, but I've heard it.)

I don't anymore know what is right and what is wrong.

I really do not.

I never "flirted' with any of y'all. Just wasn't right.  As I have said for years, I have tried to avoid even being alone with you without an open door.

As I have said before, I have been harassed sexually at work. Had my butt, area near my crotch rubbed on numerous occasions. And was told, " You like it, you know you do." And in reality, I didn't, but somehow because I am a guy, it was somehow okay. I have to put up with it because I didn't want the person to get into trouble. Perhaps I should have sued Buna ISD? Perhaps I now should sue Buna ISD? (My brother is sitting around in private practice and has an associate doing civil.)

It is like the standard now if an older guy sleeps with a younger girl, he is a " creep, a pervert." But if an older woman does the same with a younger guy, that same crowd say" You go girl."

Likewise with some of the posts I see placed on Facebook. I saw one a female had posted of several celebrity males and the question was asked, " Which one would you smash?"( And several answered) Guys wouldn't dare do anything like that, at least I wouldn't. 

I often post how attractive someone is, always has been when they post a photo of themselves on Facebook, but you know, more and more I wonder if I should or not.

Is it going to get to the point when we say, do something to our spouses, our significant others, it is now " Sexual Harassment?"

This is why the older I get, the more of a hermit I become. I no longer understand the world. I no longer understand what is going on.

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