Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Let Grandma Die

I am wondering about this nation and the morals there within. I really do.

You know, we jump up and down about being all " Christian and Such" until it starts to cost us a dollar.

Jesus pointed this out with the rich young ruler. ( Mark 10: 17-27)

I often wonder how many of us, who call ourselves "Christian" will not make it in the hereafter because we care more about making and losing a dollar.

Last evening on cable TV, the Lt. Governor of this state was suggesting that grandma and grandpa are willing willing to sacrifice so the " American Way" could continue. https://www.star-telegram.com/news/state/texas/article241452461.html

This is the beginning of what, "day 3" of the real "shutdown"? People are acting like we've been shut down for 3 years and the whole world is rolling over on it's side. It's been DAYS people, let's try to get a grip here. If big business is so fragile that a few days of lower (or no, in some cases) customers is the end of times for them, well, I do have sympathy and think we should help small business.

 If you're a Boeing or American Airlines and a few months of low travel numbers and 3 days of shutdown is the end of your world, well, sad to say it, but maybe this should be the end of your world. The fact that billion dollar companies can weather this just tells me they are massively overextended and are spending rather than prepping for hard times.... But let's get at least somewhat realistic here, it's not like the world has been in bunkers for the last few years, people are still buying many things (just online instead of in person when possible) and it's only been a few days, let's get some perspective here.

And if we go back to work, what happens when people under the age of 60 start to get sick? 40% of the people in hospital with the illness are under age 40.

Other capitalist societies have shut down, South Korea for example and they stopped the illness and their economy is starting to start up once again.

Is the " American Way" so fragile this will " end America?"

Look, capitalism is resilient.

The question is this, which is more important? Lives or money?

How many people are actually Christian, and would drop their faith when it hurts more than helps the pocketbook? 

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