Monday, April 27, 2020

B*chtin' in Lemonville

Might as well go ahead and bitch here. Everyone else is bitching about something else.

Seriously, like you got someplace to go.

I was to be on an airliner to Israel as I write this. But it was cancelled well, a about 2 months ago, and not shocked. Israel has a quarantine for 14 days once you enter the nation.

We're supposed to go again in the Fall sandwiched between the half dozen wedding I now have in the Fall. Maybe then....Maybe. I wonder about getting in an aluminum tube and going across the Atlantic.Who knows, in Mid- October, maybe things will be different?

I don't know, perhaps it isn't foreordained for us to go to Israel?

It is a damn dessert.

God has a funny preference to worldwide places he likes. Or place to start monotheism. The dessert, a place where anyone in their right mind would not live.

I was told this weekend to look where I would like to go in Britain..... If we ever get to go there again.

We'll see.

The world is a different place than it was a couple of months ago.


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