Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!

I know, by tradition this is the time those of us in the Christian world celebrate what we believe is Christ's rising. But in truth, we don't know what the real date actually might be.

I had planned to discuss the Lord's Supper on this past Maundy Thursday, the crucifixion on Good Friday, and the Resurrection today...

But we don't need a preaching at this year.

We really don't.

This might be the oddest year in most of our lives. And we've had some pretty strange ones recently.

Really strange.

Remember, and I know we all want this to be over NOW, and we are in a society of instant gratification, just remember, this will pass. We still have some tough times to go. But we are going to get through it.  Personally, and as a nation.

Take care of yourself. Take your vitamins, eat right, drink more water, less coke, less coffee/tea, less alcohol.

And remember, check on folks, espcially older folks.

Tell your wife/husband that you love them. Your kids, grandkids you love them.

This is a learning period. And many of us don't want to accept that.

And for some, the lesson might be hard.

And for many of us, the lesson is yet to be understood.

We love ya!

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