Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Schools...How's That Going to Work?

So, I've been watching this big experiment. I am pretty sure that the "Powers that Be" wanted so badly for it to work, but alas, it failed and you knew it would.

This whole educate you kid(s) over the internet.

We won't need many teachers.....

We won't need those building and overhead.

The kid will just learn online.

Nope, didn't work.

If anything it taught many parents how hard teaching it, and many of you only had 2 kids in the " classroom."

I am amazed at how many parents actually " Hate their kids." 

Yep, it is an Old Testament miracle I did not kill 15-16 of you....Perhaps more.

But I made it.

Now the CDC is coming up with rules for what is going to happen when school starts back....

- 6 feet between kids.

- No lunchrooms, they'll bring lunches to the classrooms.

- No field trips.

- So what are they going to do about high school kids changing classes? Have the teacher rotate to rooms like in Asia? How is that going to work for stuff like vocational courses and band?

- How are you going to get kids home on the bus?

- Are we going to have contact sports?

 - Or will we have 4 core subjects and send everyone else to the house after lunch in HS?

- How are they going to keep little kids from touching/hugging their teachers?

- How is this all going to work? Seriously? If kids get sick and die, well, " I glad it wasn't mine."

Man, I am so happy I am retired.  

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