Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Dammit SETX You Made Buzz Feed

And it isn't good.

It isn't good at all.

I cussed. Cussed bad.

I as a youth in university was known to go to the Bolivar Peninsula in the 70s, and we might have drunk an old time Pearl or two, but hell, we fished and thought it was a good time. Did the same at Sam Rayburn.

Here is the link on Buzz Feed.

Oh man, we all got to go on a diet.  That diet of sugar, fat, and carbs has got to end.....Or at least, cover that shit up. The bunch on here are " Fat as Fuck" and they are young people.

You can laugh and think it is all funny and shit, but you make us look like a bunch of uneducated hillbillies. The rest of the nation is laughing at us.

And how many were arrested? How many were shot?

Yes, SNL couldn't sit down and make this up. And you wonder why people do not want to live here? And why many people once they leave, never come back? 

And seriously, how many people want to get the "hell outta here" if they could? ( Don't want people to say, "I like it here." in messages. )

The rest of the country is saying......" What a bunch of White Trash."

You want industry here. Like a new Chevron plant in Orange. And this doesn't help. You rest assure, someone in the front office looks at this and is going, " nope."

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Now on "X"

 Well, I've been barred from Facebook......Cannot even set up another account...... So, for now, moved to " X." K.D.Thomas@gov...