Saturday, July 4, 2020

A Fit and Happy July 4th

Just wanted to wish you a Happy July 4th. I know we're having hot dogs and watermelon here at the Compound. Don't know about you, but I am a huge hot dog with chili fan. You can't beat 2 types of mystery meat on a bun.

Be careful. I hope by next 4th we can have a "normal" 4th. Hell, I am worrying about Thanksgiving and Christmas at this point, especially with older family.

Had someone want to get married on Thursday. Trouble is, they had gotten the license on Wednesday.

In Texas folks, there is a 72 hour waiting period before you get married. This was done so people wouldn't get married to someone they met that day. Part of it was due to soldiers during WWII getting married right before they left for Europe/The Pacific to someone they just met. I think part of it was done so they could get the girl to " Put Out." ( Different mores in those days)

Dodge the raindrops. Enjoy the weekend. I have a Betsy Ross flag flying at the Compound. Found it for a song online. Decided to put it up instead of the 15 star, 15 stripe US flag I normally fly for American holidays.

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