Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Question & Question for the Ladies

So the first question is this....

Is the sock drawer from the following

A. GQ Magazine

B. Esquire, the fashion forum

C. Julian Kaye ( American Gigolo, the first 10 minutes with Richard Gere being bought clothes by a " customer" and he picking out the clothes to wear together are perhaps my favorite 10 minutes in ANY movie. I did that when I was still teaching...often. Would have 3-4 outfits on the bed deciding which one to wear just like Julian. )   

D. The Govteach's sock drawer

Of course, the answer is D. I have two drawers like this. Fop, Dandy, whatever, I want to out-dress you head to toe....I am looking on Hockertey's website as I write this for a grey " Quinton" tweed suit for Fall. Look like a professor of PPE( Politics, Economics, Philosophy) at some university....Wear it to a wedding I have in October.

The other day,  one of the dozen or so men's dress sites re-posted this meme.

A well tailored suit 
    is to women
what lingerie is to men

I don't know ladies if this is true.

Then again, there are a lot of "older" women who "talk" to me when I am dressed like a "Philadelphia Lawyer" as my late grandma used to say.

I thought the were just being nice.

Then again, in seminary we had a class in which we were told to watch ourselves around females. There are females who "LOVE" preachers."

I say say that women " my age" are " awful nice." 

But I am naive, very naive concerning the " fairer " sex as Edwardian England would say. 

I would would be single if my wife had not asked me out. ( First date? Sonic on Washington Blvd after the Lamar football game. Chili -cheese Tater tots and "cokes") I classes it up on the second date to old Patrizi's maybe the "classiest " restaurant back in the 1970s.

So ladies, the question is this, and I know, most of my readers are in SE Texas, which is a bit different from the rest of the state...Hell the country....SE Texas is still fairly " rural."

Is a man in a well tailored suit that sexy?

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