Friday, August 7, 2020

Coming Soon to the Buna ISD?????

 I was sent this a few days ago and had planned to blog on it when several other stories came up....

Anyway, this comes out of the PNG-ISD. 

This is to be signed as part of the package needed to enroll your kids in the PNG-ISD. 

 It seems the Pt. Neches school is upset about patrons of that district complaining on Social Media or in public about the district. And they have determined if you make remarks " defamatory, offensive, or derogatory, you will be ejected from school sponsored events under the " Criminal Trespass Codes." 

So, who is going to determine just what is defamatory....Or Offensive......Or derogatory? The school district? 

How in this world can a taxing government entity, run by elected officials take it upon themselves to stop people complaining about the actions of the said school district, either the people in the school, or the school's action itself? 

 So, not only does this include social media, but the men griping about the coaching at the Friday night ballgame at the barber shop also fall under this... 

I know good and well, when I was teaching I was the subject of the my teaching style at the beauty shop. And you know what I did? Nothing. I knew it'd pass.

Sorry folks, this is a violation of the First Amendment. 

 And don't think other school districts wouldn't like to be able to do this....

I am sorry, but it makes you wonder what in the world PNG-ISD is thinking? I wonder if this came out of the photo of the PNG-ISD retreat at the beach in which a number of people were taken close together not wearing masks? ( It made local news) 

Sorry, these school districts think they are too good to be included what is acceptable " Free Speech?"

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