Monday, August 17, 2020

Remainder of 2020

 I am going to try and make some predictions for the remainder of 2020....Some of the predictions will be silly, some serious....Please, no waging on which is which.


-There will be 3 to 7 named storms in the Gulf.( August to end of season) I am staying except for a Cat. 5. May just lash myself to the big sweetgum tree that has made it through all the other storms, and play a Lt. Dan and cuss all deities, including all 33 million gods in Hinduism. 

-I will survive another birthday


-Worst "love bug" season in a decade

- I will not watch a football game this year. I no longer give a damn who wins or loses. 

- Some schools go back online, more than expected

- Hotter than normal Sept. 


-We finally get a meaningful cold front.

- Halloween which is normally the second largest holiday in America will lose 50% of their normal sales of items.

- The economy is still poor

- I will start training to become an opera singer. 

- I have a couple of major weddings to perform, one of which, I am actually anxious about


- I am very serious here. Be prepared. The election probably will not be decided that night( Nov. 3). It might be days.....perhaps weeks before we learn who won.....At least 50% of the population will be unhappy with the result, and I dread what will happen next. ( I am going to write a blog on this topic soon.)

- I am afraid Covid will return for a serious second act.

- Thanksgiving will different. A shortage of turkeys, cranberries, cornbread dressing. The only thing that will be in abundance will be fruit salad and that got damn green bean casserole. I wouldn't feed that casserole stuff to Mattison, Bunky or Tara...


-Everyone will be ready for this year to end

- Santa won't leave the North Pole

- This holiday season will sound the "death knell" for major retailers. JCP, Sears.....Others will be hurt. There will be a decrease in holiday spending again, around 40%.

- During the holidays we will have our first major arctic cold front in year.  A pipe buster, with it staying below freezing for several days. 

Seriously, I am ready for 2021....We got to hope for something better...

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