Friday, August 21, 2020

The "Govteach" Gets Letters!!!!!

 In the last few days I have received a number of PMs, emails concerning the blog.....Here are some excerpts.

" Speaking on your sex with kids..............Have you seen the Cuties movie that is supposed to be on Netflix next month?"

- Eleven year old girls twerking? Short, shorts? I'm sure I'll write a blog on it later. Those damn French. But watch it? A big pass.

" Did you actually listen to Cardi B?" 

- I watched the video. Not my type of "beat" as the kids say, the girls were a Rubenesque once again proving that what is old, is new again. 

" I thought WAP" was a racist term for Itlians. "

- That is 'WOP.' It comes from the South Italian term guappo or " dandy " and is pronounced wah-po in the Southern Italian dialect. Younger Italian workers would call each other playfully guappo. And to the Anglo ear it sounded like " Wop" and eventually was used as a derogatory term for Italians.  ( It doesn't mean "without papers")

If you're going to be a racist, learn the terms and use them correctly. Especially when your racist ass goes after East Asians.  

" Why don't you post what you're listening to every morning?" 

- I don't listen to music EVERY morning. 

" When you going to write on the election?"

- I'm trying to avoid it. Might write the week thereof.....Or not....Too much like work. 


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Now on "X"

 Well, I've been barred from Facebook......Cannot even set up another account...... So, for now, moved to " X." K.D.Thomas@gov...