Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A " Do Over???"

 So, there has been some talk in the last couple of hours about a " Do-Over" for the Presidential Election. 

This has been suggested, demanded, whatever by actor Randy Quaid. ( Quaid was Cousin Eddie in National Lampoon's Vacation movies, starring Chevy Chase.)

The " Do-Over" was suggested in a tweet by Quaid,  in a rambling makes no sense for the most part video on Quaid's account.

Quaid of course was arrested for paying for a hotel stay with a fraudulent credit card and when asked to pay the $81,000 he owned he "went on the lam." 

He was later arrested for staying in a house he once owned  and to avoid the arrest, fleeing to Canada when warrants for his arrest were put out for he and his wife.

Quaid was fired from his last job for hitting and slapping other members of the play he was doing because he didn't like what they were doing. 

Then, in a move I really question " What are you thinking?" The President of the U.S. re-tweets Quaid's tweets on the Re-vote. 

Sorry, but the last person I would quote is Randy Quaid. 

There's not going to be a " Do-Over" no "Re-vote." 

That is not how a democracy works.....You don't like the results of this election, you try and change the results your way in the next election. 

If you somehow win in a "Re-Vote" how do you keep the other side from calling a second " Re-Vote." It can cause a vicious cycle. 

Sorry, there has been not been massive "cheating." If there had been, proof would have been shown by now. There hasn't been. There is no conspiracy concerning the election. Just saying " You think there was" doesn't mean there was. You have to show some sort of evidence. Even Rush Limbaugh has said, " There are no bombshells proving there is cheating." 

These complaints that the cities voted for Biden and " that isn't fair" sounds downright racist. You want Black people to vote Republican? Actively recruit in Black communities.  Heck, Latino, Asian communities. I know some of you will deny this, but deep down you hate/ are afraid of Blacks, Mexicans, Chinese, and you think America needs to be a White Christian( Protestant, non-Catholic) nation. Well, it isn't. And Whites are quickly becoming the minority. ( In Texas, for every Anglo baby born, 7 Latino babies are born)

Pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and try again in 2( Congressional)-4( Presidential) years. The country will survive. I know you don't think it will, but we've had worse happen. Much worse.


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