Saturday, November 28, 2020

How? Why? I Gots Questions-

 I know that this commercial has been on TV, well, since the first of the year, but the last couple of days, I have seen it more than I have in total.

It is that hearing-aide ad in which the couple are standing/sitting at the breakfast bar that separates the kitchen from the living room. 

In the ad are the girl, her husband. ( They are not boyfriend/girlfriend as someone has said in one review. They are married.  Both are wearing wedding rings.) And also in the scene are the girl's Mother and Father. 

You have seen the ad by now, the girl asks her husband if he " Brought the condoms." And the boy can't understand what she is asking, and she repeats it until her dad wearing the advertiser's hearing-aides tell the boy, " She's asking if you brought the condoms Charlie."  To the embarrassment of the girl, the boy replies " Yeah, I brought them." 

I know there have been what people reviewing and commenting on " Why are married folks using condoms? When other forms of birth control are available?" Well, look, some folks can't use other birth control, health, whatever, and in truth, sometimes they are cheaper than other devices or pills. 

My concern is, why are you asking that question with your parents in the same room? 

I don't think I've had relations next door to either set of parents in my life, too much of a risk of " Sex noises."  Thus the end of the end of the commercial in which when the couple retires to the bedroom, the Father removes the hearing-aides from his ears. ( Heck, haven't had 'relations' in my parents or in-law's house, ever. Call me a prude if you want...)

You know your parents know you are having sex. You're married. But throwing it in their face, especially the Father's whose job psychologically is often to protect his little girl, I don't know. While I laughed at the commercial, I had more philosophical questions about ad than answers....

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