Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Kerry Don, Kerry Don, What Ya Gonna Do???

 In the past, this was sort of like Christmas Day for the ole Govteach. But today, well, I am sure I will watch the results this evening, but not with the same excitement as in the past. 

I know I avoided the actual campaign rhetoric in class, and did so to avoid " disagreement" in class or someone misinterpreting my covering a certain campaign for fear of someone thinking I supported one candidate over the other, especially at the local level. So, we avoided local, state, and nation elections at all costs. 

I was asked yesterday if this was the worst election in the history of the United States?  

No, if you look at the election of 1800, you see where the President and Vice President turn out to be of two different political Parties, almost had a Vice Presidential candidate elected as President by the Electoral College. ( It caused the 12th Amendment to the Constitution to be passed)

The 1800 election was influenced by the French Revolution so much so that the Federalist Party said that if you voted for Thomas Jefferson there would be babies executed by the guillotine because of who the child's parent was. 

There was also stories that rape, incest would be openly taught and practiced. That school teachers would say it was okay to " Rape women." ( I don't think so) ( And....You can't make this stuff up)

I will watch the election results tonight....But to be honest, I do not look forward to watching. I feel like to be true to thine on-self, and support everything I have taught or supported, I sort of have to do so. 

I'll try and post election results by states tonight, as they come in on Facebook.

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