Monday, November 16, 2020

Stop it, Just Stop it Now! Who You Think We Are? The Rockefellers?

 I was seriously pondering yesterday watching the ballgame which of America's business will not make it through the holidays. 

I keep thinking Sears is done every month. Heck, I can't remember the last time I've gone into a Sears. 

I know JC Penny has had a buyer in the last few months with money, but I wonder if even that will be enough?

Then I see that truck maker, GMC has brought back this advertisement for the holiday. 

A man buys his wife and he, his and her vehicles. Of course he thinking she would want the SUV, instead she "hugs" the pick-up he bought for himself. 

Seriously, who amongst us can afford to buy 2 vehicles at once?  Taking on 2 notes at once, and I am sure there are wealthy people who can, but most really rich folks I know drive beat to crap old vehicles. It is how they got rich. ( I am like Delmar in O'Brother Where Art Thou? " You ain't no kind a man, if you ain't got land."  Look how many really rich people are in real estate-)

Then again, I would not dare buy my wife a car....Wrong type, wrong accessories, wrong color, and to be honest she likes to wheel and deal. 

Would I like a new car for Christmas? In truth, not really. If we go anyplace far away we go in Deb's Subaru. Or if I am driving Grandma, her 4Runner. I looked and I have not put 1000 miles on my Honda in 5 months.( AKA " The Toaster") I keep thinking if I keep it long enough it'll become a "classic." I've not left Orange County but 2 times in that time period in my vehicle, both times to a wedding in Buna. 

Then again, if one of you bought me one of those new Ford Broncos or new Land Rover Defender, I'd kiss you "flat on the mouth" ( Always got this thing about boxy vehicles.)

I don't know, I just can't get all excited about the holidays this year.....

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