Thursday, November 19, 2020

Texas, It's Time to Ignore the Baptists, Pentecostals, All those Other Denominations that Fall into This Category.

In January of 2021, the Texas State Legislature will meet in it's 140 day biennial session. 

Already, there are a number of members of the Texas House, the Texas Senate who have introduced Bills to legalize marijuana in this state. 

It is time. 

Legalize it and tax it. 

Due to the Covid 19 situation, the state is going to be short funds for the coming session. Legalizing pot and taxing it will add $1.1 billion dollars to the states coffers. And this is the year to do it. 

I know some of you religious people's head will explode at the idea of people being able to smoke pot legally. You got to keep telling people other than yourself what to do. 

Sorry, but I remember the start of the so called " War on Drugs" by Nixon. That was 50 years ago. The war is lost. 

If you're not going to legalize it outright, make medical marijuana legal. The writer of this blog would go to his doctor the first day of medical legalization and get a prescription. 

For 63 years of my life I heard Baptist ministers preach again "the drink" but in those sermons they conveniently ignored Jesus' first miracle. The water into wine, and the fact that even Paul drank wine " For his stomach's sake." 

Tired of pick and chose theology. Preach on Micah 3 every quarter to get that tithe up. Never mind we're under a "New Covenant" and  say bacon, shrimp, catfish, wearing mixed linens, living in the house with your wife during her cycle is "Now" okay....Pick and Chose Theology.... ( Need to write on what Micah 3 really says)

It is time Texas. It is time....

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