Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Morning After.....

 I know I am writing this after a Saturday night " Date Night" for some of you, so you're probably thinking I am reminding you to take your " Morning After Pill." 

But alas, I am not. 

I've not been in the pulpit for a long, long while, and in truth, I don't want to be there. 

But if I was preparing for a sermon, checking my "Geneva Gown. " This is what I would say. 

Matthew 18 21-35

It's the old forgive 70 times 7. 

I know SNL mentioned it briefly in the monologue last evening. 

I have a hard time forgiving people. I always have. I know I am not perfect and it's something I need to work on. 

It's time to start loving each other again....Or at least tolerating each other. 

We have more in common that we care to think. 

Come on, we're Americans. 

America has always changed. 

America has always remained somewhat the same. 

And it always will. It's just the way it is. 

Stop fighting over two men who don't know you from Adam.  Nor will they probably ever. 

Look, this is the most unique nation on earth. Don't go totally nuts over one election. We'll survive. There will be another one in 4 years.

We all need to appeal to our " Better Angels" as Lincoln said. 

Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:13 says " So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love." ( Quick Greek lesson αγαπη (agapē) is translated to mean both Charity and Love in the Greek. In Thayer's Greek Definitions, I am sure you have one on your coffee table at home ;) agape means "brotherly love, affection, good will, love, benevolence.", this is for you KJV fans.) 

So folks, love each other. Take care of one another.  

We are about to go into the holiday season and I am sure there will be some uncle, some aunt, some brother or sister who'll just be all in arms over the election. Try and not engage them. Neither one of you are going to change anyone's minds at this point. 

And over holiday meals pray...Pray hard for each other. You know, we only get some many Thanksgivings and Christmases in our lives. Don't hate.  Love one another. 

Thus endeth the lesson- 




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