Wednesday, December 2, 2020

If It Weren't for Bad Luck, I'd Have No Luck at All

"If It Weren't for Bad Luck, I'd Have No Luck at All"..... Thought I'd do a throw back to Hee Haw.....Look it up youngsters....

Was, ( and still am) all over the place on what I should have written the blog(s) today over. 

I was going to do a political one, but I just couldn't stomach it. I'm concerned about the democracy...Maybe we'll discuss it tomorrow.

I was going to write one on " Wife-Swapping" between Southern Baptist ministers up near Dallas. ( Got your attention don't I?)

No, I am going to write on 2020, the year that just keeps " giving." 

I posted our Christmas tree this morning. And so far none of you have " made fun of it" because patches of the tree lights no longer work. Planned obsolescent.  A pre-lit tree.

We decided to wrap blue lights around the " bald patches" where the pre-lit did not light. 

It looks okay in the room, the photo really brings out the "bald."

The damn tree is 3 years old. 

So, we'll be getting a new tree for 2021. 

So, you think Kerry Don, ever the Anglophile, would want a tree that would look like something from Downton Abbey. 

But no, he isn't. 

I am already lobbying for an "Old-School, Retro" one of those aluminum trees from the 1960s. 

I know, I'll get hate from wanting it, but it is the type of tree I grew up with, however Billie Joyce( AKA Mom) only had a single blue light on the tree. Not the four color spinning light deals like most people had on their tree. I want the spinning 4 color light dealie.

I doubt I win, but I am lobbying hard. 

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