Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Who Knew Screwing Someone Else's Wife Was Trouble?

 You know, back when I was teaching I often would say...."You can't make this stuff up."

So, the church is evolving to attract more " younger" people. I guess it always has in some way or another. 

And in the larger city suburbs many of these "Cool" churches are popping up. Often non-denominational, often a version of Southern Baptist that many of us over 60 no longer recognize. Lets face it, I couldn't tell you a a Lead Pastor, from a Teaching Pastor, from a Lead Groups Minister. And to be honest, I don't want to know....So, don't even try and tell me. And God-forbid you're a preacher now in one of these churches you wear a suit and tie......You can at least try and look "professional" and tuck in your shirt? ( Maybe I need to get me one of these " Senior Adults Lead Pastor gigs, 65+ it's where the money is in some of these churches....Shut-up Kerry Don, you're borderline of that 'Fall from Grace' as the Methodists would say.)

So, in Plano, which is now a massive suburb of Dallas at one of the " We ain't telling you we are Southern Baptist" churches called " The Village" actually a plant of the original "The Village" it seems that two of the pastors involved at the Plano church were involved in " Wife-Swapping." ( The church is now called Citizen's Church.)

Two of the pastors were "trading wives." 

Here is Dee Parsons version of the story from Wartburg Watch-

And they were grooming other people for this wife swapping. 

They were "Let Go" without the average person in the pew knowing why. And the average pew-sitter kept feeding the couples, giving them money....until they found out "what happened. "

Now I am one that is a  Paulinist,  grace covers sin, past, present, future, but these guys are what  you call, into Antinomanism, they're not sorry for anything, and their sins can be "out of control. "( Think they can kill, rape, rob, do incest.....wife swap and still be covered by "Grace." Again, my Methodist family members would discuss their " Fall"....My Calvinist relatives would say, they were never the 'elect' to start. My old teaching would tell me, maybe they were not actually Christian....Or hard backsliders....You got to pay for your mistakes....I don't know, a load of #1 Buckshot to the nutsack will put an end to that foolishness. )

When I was in seminary, well about a 100 years ago now, there was not a class on this.....Maybe this "swinging" is something new they are teaching? 

First the Falwell's, and now this..Makes you wonder how much of this is actually going on? 

And who knew screwing someone else's wife would get you into trouble?

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