Friday, December 11, 2020

Liberals, Progressives .....You May Need to Buy a Firearm

 Okay, this one won the question this morning.....

I know there are some of you "Progressives" who won't own a firearm for nothing....And some of you do....

That said, this country is different than any other time than I have seen in my life. 

I am sorry, but right now, "People Ain't Right."

Now you don't need Firearms like I own, ones that can " Take out a Helicopter" if need be. 

Nor do you need tens of thousands of various rounds of ammo like I have....( Yes, my biggest concern is a fire)

But things can get out of control fast. Really fast. Times are crazy. 

Might I suggest for non-gun people something like a Ruger 10/22 or a Marlin Model 60. Yes, only a small .22 Long Rifle, but no one in their right mind wants to go up against any gun and both of those will shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger. 

Want something a little more substantial? Get a Ruger Mini-14 or an Auto- Ordinance Carbine rifle. Both can be handled by smaller people.   ( I carry the Mini-14 everyplace I go at the Farm)

You know I understand some of you are scared to death of guns, but this country is changing, and I am afraid it is going to get worse before it gets better. 

Much worse.

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