Thursday, December 10, 2020

Texas- I Ain't a Lawyer

 So, as many of you know, my brother and I were groomed as children for what we were supposed to be growing up. I was supposed to be a preacher...He a lawyer. 

I didn't really make my goal( sorta), I've always said I was foreordained for something else. But you knew that already-

Again, I ain't a lawyer and I don't play one on TV. 

The State of Texas ( and the AG's of 17 other states) are suing Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia to delay the counting of the Electoral Vote. They want this to see if there was irregular voting. 

There are 4 problems with this-

1. According to the US Constitution, Article II Section 4, " Congress shall make the date the the Electors meet and vote. Dec. 14th. It would be unconstitutional for the Supreme Court to change the date. 

2. Texas has no right to tell another state how to conduct an election within that state. 

The U.S. does not have a national election for President. It is a series of state elections, and no state has any right to challenge how a state runs its' elections. It would be like Delaware challenging how Texas elects its' Governor. 

3. While the Supreme Court is the place for a state to sue another state, the Supreme Court, states you have to ask permission FIRST to sue another state. They have not done that. The SC has not granted permission for any such lawsuit to take place. 

4. The lawsuit is full of mistakes. It looks " slopped together." Example- saying that the 4 states have 72 electoral votes. They only have 62. 

I am thinking the Texas AG is fishing for a pardon. He has been indicted for securities fraud and is being investigated for  other federal crimes-



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