Friday, December 4, 2020

So, I Dreaded Posting This Blog-

 I often times get knocked to the ground by the person I married. 

I am certain she has kept me from shooting people.

She's kept me out of Huntsville.

She's kept me alive this long. 

I had a couple of students from the Class of '06 who referred to her as " Debbie the Good, St. Debbie." Terms she hates for me to use. 

That said, if anyone is going to make it to the heavenly afterlife, it will be her. 

I told her the story of me marrying the couple, and he giving $15. 

Her answer was......" Maybe it was all he could afford?" 

15 singles makes you wonder. Being the jaded senior government teacher I am, I thought..." Didn't use them all at the strip club last night did you?" 

It is close to $70-80 for a license to get married in this state. ( Different counties, different prices.)

I don't know. 

For people I do not know, I feel like I should charge something. I know most ministers do. I know local judges do. I jumped through some hoops to get ordained.

Anyway, it got me thinking last night....Maybe need to re-think things....

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