Friday, January 29, 2021

About Tree Fiddy

 Since I have retired, I have gotten into a bad habit of watching " The Price is Right."

I know, I have better things to do in my retirement. 

Most of the crap they have on there as prizes, well, I would not want. 

Oh, on an occasion they might have a Corvette or a trip the the Scottish Highlands, but those prizes are few and far between. 

And they have bullshit like high dollar bicycles. A rental on an RV and the rental is not for any time where you could go someplace. Trips to Mexican resorts. You do know the resorts are owned by the drug cartels? 

And even when they have stuff like a Corvette or a Porsche, do you really want to pay the taxes, then the insurance on those vehicles? 

And the cars people get all giddy about...Most of the time they are cracker boxes with 1.4 liter engines. Not enough power to get out of their own way. Maybe if you were driving around in a city they might be okay, but on an interstate highway? You'd be killed. 

So, I doubt I ever am on the "Showcase Showdown" but my bid with be..." Oh about Tree Fiddy." 

Now my luck the other person who bids will " over" bid and I'll win....



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