Monday, February 1, 2021

Who Cares?

 I mean seriously, who cares? 

I used to be critical who dressed, acted a little " strange." But hell, I am sure that people see me and ask, " Who the hell is the Englishman?" 

You know, at one time I worked at a school district that required men to wear ties to work, and preferred us to wear coats with the tie. 

I still have a closet full of ties from that time, a lot a tartan ties that are familial or in my case, I have a tie that symbolizes I am a clergyman. 

When I taught at Buna I dressed between an Oxford Don to looking like I had just come from the feeding the cows. 

It didn't make a damn difference between how I taught. 

Oh I know some business have a dress code and even provide uniforms. 

I don't know, I was reading an article about America's " weirdness"  over the past 50 years and think back, hell, there has always been weirdness in the world. Read some of the stuff that came out of Victorian England. 

So, I am sure you're asking by now, " Where the hell are you going with this blog?"

You know, we got to much " Tending other people's business in this country. " 

Telling them no tattoos, you've got to look this way or however. 

Hating folks because they're gay, like they have a say so in the deal. 

Hating people because they fall in love with someone of a different race, hell, in this area I have found out that " Folks are Folks" and my Daughter in Law is a whole lot better than a lot of the " Whites Wimmens" out there. ( I'll get notes now.)

Hell, hating people because they wear cowboy boots and hats. 

Where we start crossing the line is when people what we do starts to effect others. 

Acting a fool on the highway. Making fun of someone who looks different. 

And it can cross the line the other way too. Going after people because they are trying to live their life and you just don't think they are " Woke" enough. And I am convinced that for some you just can't be " woke" enough because the goalpost seems to keep changing. 

At some point we got to let people live their lives, and leave people alone...

I don't know, just something to think about this morning...


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