Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Yes, Lots of Times it Sucks

 You know, we have to visit this from time to time to on this forum. 

Let us remind you once again, it is just a job. You got to work, and in exchange for this work, they give you money. 

You don't have to "Be friends" with the people you work with. Look at how many people I am friend with on Facebook who I worked with at Buna ISD...5? 6? Out of several hundred people I worked with at Buna? 

Come on, most people I worked with I don't care what they are doing now. Don't care what their kids are doing. As I have said, I actually only liked very few people I worked with. So many didn't understand the concept that you are there for the kids. Oh, I know you need money for your work, but so many people in education, well, I wondered, " Why the hell are you doing this job?" 

All that said, you have to remember in the end, it is just a job. If you get too caught up in your kid's problems, their home life, well, it will eat you up alive.

I never understood the concept, and I heard this all my life at every opening session of the school year, " We are a family here." 

No you're not. 

( I never understood the concept of people having "Work husbands and wives. " I have a wife. She is very good to me. I don't need some sort of 19th Century form of Mormon or 1000 B.C. Hebraic form of polygamy.  I believe in the old saying " One life, one wife.")

It is a job. Schools like just about any other job will throw you " Under the bus" the first time anything goes wrong and they can use you as a scapegoat.  

Every job sucks. 

Oh, you can say that you " love your job." But in the end, it is just a job. Something happens to that job you are presently in, well, you go and get another job. In a short period of time, you forget about the people at the other job. 

I've taught at school district in which I forgot about working there fairly quickly after being hired by the new school district. 

You do a job so you can have a nice life. A comfortable house, a nice car, money for your children. 

Save some of it for a rainy day. 

Save some and go on a vacation. Take the kids to Disney whatever it is. Take your husband to the mountains. Take your wife to the beach. 

Yeah, I liked my job. I loved teaching high school seniors. I thought a did a decent job. Hell, I tried to do a decent job. But in the  end it was just a job. And you've got to look at it that way. Enjoy your life outside of work. Work is just that, work.


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