Tuesday, February 2, 2021


 So, this weekend a group of people decided that they needed to protest at Dodger Stadium in Southern California the vaccines that were being give by car as people drove through for the COVID vaccine shot.  

Many were carrying signs saying "It's the end of times." And other apocryphal messages. 

Why is it their business?  Why do they care?

These are the same people who are anti-mask. 

These are the same people who are in the group with the pharmacist who destroyed 500 vials of vaccine....He is a a " Flat Earther." 

Come on man, why is this any of your business. Why do you care? 

Don't want to take the shot, that's your business, but don't keep me from taking one. 

The older I get the more I ask...." What the hell is wrong with you? "

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