Thursday, February 18, 2021

Rush & Ted Cruz

 I didn't know my post on the death of Rush Limbaugh would cause such a controversy....Hell, in truth, I should have realized. 

He was just another symptom of the divide in this country. 

I stopped listening Rush years before I was even hired at Buna. Heck, quit talk radio about that time. 

Look, I am sorry, Rush was an entertainer. He appealed mostly to a 65+ audience in recent years. He would tell you what you wanted to hear, not what was necessarily the truth. 

One of the things that lost me on Rush was years ago an Indian ( India) group had set up a 'Soup Kitchen' in their city and were serving Indian food to those in need...Rush had a fit by saying " They shouldn't be serving that, they need to be serving ' American Food.'. "

What is American food? Pizza? Roast, potatoes, and carrots? ( BTW That's the traditional "Sunday Roast" in England.) Heck everything we eat in this country pretty much started someplace else.

Then what really sealed the deal was his remarks about Mexicans " Being guests in this country." 

As many of you know, I was affiliated with the old  'Home Mission Board' of the Southern Baptists, and was a missionary in the Valley of Texas and in Idaho.( I was sent to convert Mormons, instead I would talk Mormon theology with them and a good time was had by all. Seriously. Mormons don't need converting. They're Christians in my book as are Catholics, and most others who follow Christ.Why they sent me, I do not know?) And many of those "Mexicans" had been in South Texas 200 years before Rush's family even came to America.

Come on, the man was not a fan of teachers. Why should I like him? He thought we were "Give up your gun liberals" and I have been told that more than once by school patrons there in Buna....And those of you who know me know I believe full auto weapons should be available without a tax stamp. 

Did Rush go to Heaven or Hell? I don't know. You don't either. He may have had a 'Constantinian Death Bed' conversion. 

Finally I see Texas' Junior Senator, Ted Cruz decided we were just peasants and took his family to Cancun. 

Sorry, that just looks bad....Millions of Texans freezing and he leaves the country for warmer climates.

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