Sunday, February 28, 2021

Sure Enough

 Or as we say here in East Texas " Sure 'nuff." 

As I have written earlier, my wife and I have planned to travel to Israel since, well, April of 2020. The flight, the hotels, the transportation, the tour has been cancelled now 4 times. 

It is now schedule for the Fall of 2021. Tentatively. 


I am not holding my breath. 

In the past 72-96 hours, the nation of Israel has required all people visiting their country to get some sort of "Tourist Health Passport." ( Looks like it will be an app through our cell phones.)

And a number of the people scheduled to go on the tour with us, well, they refuse to take the vaccine. 

All very religious people.

They are scared of the vaccine, afraid the vaccine wasn't tested enough, don't think Covid is actually a " Thing" that Covid is all drummed up. 

Some, I am sure, just do not trust science. 

I am however one of these people who will be the first to say..." Because....Science." 

I don't get this religious world and their lack of trust of the Science Community. I really do not. I am afraid these are the people that will keep Covid around because they are afraid. These are the same people who say they look forward to the hereafter, but won't take a vaccine because they think it will kill them....A vaccine for an illness that might kill them, or kill people they come in contact with, perhaps some they love. 

I've had both of my Pfizer vaccines. Deb has had both her vaccines. Yes, the second one made me ill, but if there was a third vaccine required, I would still take the shot. 

It took some doing, but we finally got my 90 year old Mom her first Moderna shot here in Orange County this past week. And she was gung-ho to get it because, well...." Because.....Science." ( I don't know why Orange County is behind all the surrounding counties on the vaccines. It makes you wonder? More people in Jasper County have been vaccinated than Orange County.)

It seriously is looking like it will be Deb and me alone on the tour. I am still thinking we would be better off alone, like most of our other trips. 

I don't know, it seems like we are going backwards intellectually in this nation....

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