Friday, February 26, 2021

You Are Fired!

 So, the House of Representatives has passed a bill that says you can't discriminate against someone in the LGBQT world. 

That would include the workplace, juries,  housing, credit, public accommodation, etc. 

This of course would include churches/religion from discrimination against the LGBQT community. 

And I don't see why you'd not want to not hire the best person for the job , even if the were LGBQT. I mean, you'd hire a person who was on wife/husband number 6-7. And not even think anything about it. 

Look, I have worked at everyplace I have been employed and there were gay folks there. In many case, the best person for the job. Literally you're not going to find anyone any better. 

I understand churches don't want to hire gay folks, but you know, we had a denomination who had pedophiles in their ranks that when found out, were moved around, often to teach at schools or work with youth in other churches. And gay folks are not interested in children. They are attracted to adults. 

Your faith is not going to be encroached because you go into a store or business or school and a gay person is working there. For the most part how is that going to affect you? 

I am friends with people in the gay community. I had a friend in college who was gay. Went camping/fishing with him, went to social events with him. He never made a 'pass' at me and I never said anything about who he dated.  ( I always said I just wasn't " handsome enough for him." ;) )

The only problem I have is the "T" community competing in certain sports. 

You know, I know Connecticut is having trouble in high school girl sports because some of the transgender people in girl's sports are former males who have not started to transition to females, or started their change after they were Sophomore/ Juniors/Seniors in HS and still have all the male body appearances and body type. Even though they identity as females, their body is still male. It is still a guy competing against girls

Likewise, the Texas UIL had a student transitioning from female to male compete in the female wrestling division, this after the student was taking male hormones as part of their transfer.  They of course dominated the wrestling weight division. It was a boy against girls. ( UIL should have let them compete against the boys....But UIL has ruled to compete you must compete in the sex in which you are born.) 

When the bakery refused to bake a cake for a gay couple getting married, the Christian community was all supportive. Said they had the right to refuse them. Why them and not the person who wanted a cake for their 6th wedding? Or why a not a cake for a businessman in the community who they know is involved in shady practices? I'm sure they had not trouble baking a cake for a baby shower, even if the mother wasn't married. Or baking a cake for anyone else who they would consider is involved in some sort of "sin." 

I don't get this hatred of gays over all others. I really do not....Then again, I have ex-students who think my son's marriage to April is a sin. Heck, I have former students who think being married to a Catholic is a sin. Shoot, I have previous students who think I am going to Hell because I think instruments in church is a wonderful thing...Then again, they think I am going to Hell because I am not a member of their denomination. ( Actually more than one denomination.)

I know some of you get all upset about LGBQT people, but how does it really effect you? Makes you uncomfortable? You think it is a sin? Well, not everyone does.

You need to learn to let people live their lives. 

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