Sunday, February 14, 2021

Who the Hell is St. Valentine?

 Well, in truth, we do not know...

It may be several people. There was a Valentine who was a priest who was killed by Emperor Claudius II for marrying Christian couples.....There was also a Valentine who was a bishop in Italy. He was martyred about 270A.D. He was killed ( we think) for trying to convert people to Christianity. 

Pope Gelasius officially dedicated Feb. 14th to St. Valentine in 496 A.D. And there are two reasons for that date.....Either Valentine was killed/buried on that day....Or ( what I think) the date was chosen in an attempt to Christianize the pagan feast of Lupercalia which involved drinking and beating people with animal hides while naked. 

Lupercalia which was associated with fertility, might be the reason Valentine's Day is associated with romantic love. 

Valentine's Day falls near Galentin's Day, a holiday celebrated by the Normans( Who conquered England in 1066?  The Normans) And Galentin means " Lover of women."

There are many who blame Geoffrey Chaucer for the holiday....Remember him...Mrs. Burke's Class? Mrs. Boyd's Class? He called the day " when every fowl cometh to chose his mate." 

So, there is no clear answer. But, there was a Valentine.....

Eat your damn candy and be glad you got it.....

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