Friday, March 26, 2021

Couldn't Do It

 I do not think you know how glad I am to be retired. 

I literally could not do it today. It will be 10 years since I retired this May. 

I do not think with all of today's recording devices, I could make it a week. Someone would record something, take it out of context and there you go, I am fired. 

Heck, I couldn't have a cuss porch like the old days.....I doubt I could kick you into the hall without filing a report in triplicate. Online and a paper copy. 

You know, when I retired, I was asked if I wanted to be on the "Sub list." To which I laughed and said " No." 

That was one of the smartest things I have done. 

Other than being a " Visiting Professor" one day in World History to teach on Tudor-Stuart England/ The English Reformation, I have not darkened the doors of Buna High School. And that was in the old high school.

Heck, I have not been in the new high school.....Heck, I've never even driven by to look at it. ( I figure it is a sterile cookie cutter school like every other high school in America. Say what you want about the old high school, it was old, and worn, but it had character.) 

Every day I read about teachers, administrators getting into trouble and most of the time, they deserve what they get in return, but every once in a while, ( More and more it seems) I see teachers getting into trouble for doing or saying something that I might have done, and in truth, it wasn't that bad. 

You know, it is going to get to where people are not going to want to teach school, and in this environment, who can blame them.

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