Monday, March 29, 2021

Don't Think This is Not Coming

 So, the Governor of Arkansas signed a bill in the last 48 hours that said that health care providers can deny medical care to people whose lifestyle they see as morally objective. 

So, this means that doctors don't have to treat people in the LGBT community.

Pharmacist don't have to fill prescriptions for birth control pills. Never mind birth control pills are not always prescribed for " Birth Control."

I know some former students( It is amazing what kids will tell you) prescribed birth control pills not so they could be " Open for Business" but for other female troubles they were having. 

I am wondering how long if will be before a bill is passed saying " We don't have to teach kids who live a lifestyle with are morally opposed to?" 

Man, I'd never even dream of doing that. 

Hell, I knew pretty much who was gay in high school. I really didn't care. 

The last year I was there the principal was approached about a LGBT Club being started. And the principal was afraid that whoever was the sponsor wouldn't ever find another job. 

I told him I'd do it. 

Hell, it was my last year, I was close to retiring and besides, whoever joined would probably get less flak if I was sponsor...But the school district didn't want to do it....Hell, it was afraid to do it......You know there would have been Buna Baptist Karen's lose their minds over it.   

But you know good and well, there are teachers who would not teach LGBT students, or those who had a child without the benefit of marriage, or those who might have done something else. 

You know, if you take a job, you need to work for everyone. Not just for whoever you think has enough "Morals" for you. 

Take that plank out of your own eye. I know you're not as pure as the driven snow. 

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