Monday, April 19, 2021

Gov. McConaughey?

 So, in a bit of a shocker of a poll, yesterday's Dallas Morning News/UT-Tyler's Poll show that Matthew McConaughey has a 12 point led on the sitting Gov. Abbott in the 2022 election poll. 

And McConaughey hasn't even announced that he is running for Texas Governor. 

Ah, the " Cult of Personality." 

Elected Reagan in the 60s, Schwarzenegger in recent times to the governor's mansion. 

Heck, we don't even know what issues McConaughey stands for......Is he a Democrat? A Republican? An Independent? 

If he runs as a Democrat he might put that saying that Texas is starting to "Purple" to the test. In the last Presidential election both major political party candidates got 7million plus votes in this state....It's closer than you think people. 

Don't say it can't happen. Texas is no longer a rural state, it is urbanizing fast. Especially on that I-35 Corridor from San Antonio to Dallas-Fort Worth. 

And as I said that " Cult of Personality" is a strong influence in elections......

All right, all right, all right....  

We shall see......


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