Wednesday, April 21, 2021

You Need to Help Your Parents....Grandparents

 So, I made a quick trip to M-Ville. Had to get a prescription, some chicken broth at the dollar store, and picked up a couple of half price 'Happy Hour' Dr. Peppers at DQ for Deb and I. 

You got to do something about grandma.....Or hell, maybe your mom. 

They got to learn how to use a debit card or a credit card....Hell, even cash is better than this.....

They are still using technology,well checks were first used in India before the birth of Christ, but the check as we understand it today is the same technology pioneered by the Bank of England in the early 1700s. ( It was the Bank of Scotland who started putting personalized names on checks in the early 1800s.)

I got behind two grandmas today at the 'stores' and both wrote checks. 

I cannot remember the last time I wrote a check. 

It took forever for them to write those damn checks. And one, bless her heart, had to write her check twice. And after she got her receipt, while we were all waiting recorded her check in the checkbook. And neither of these women were much older than me. I swear it was 15 minutes waiting on these two women. One person in line behind me gave up, put his stuff back and left. ( And one of the ladies' checks was for $9.07.)

Come on, would it kill you to learn how to use a debit card or a credit card? Or hell, using cash is faster. 

Come on, even my 90 year old mom uses modern technology. 

Help grandma out.

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