Monday, May 10, 2021

Just a Friendly Reminder

 I had a principal in the Houston who said that when we had a faculty meeting after school. Nothing like the meetings David, or Jerry, or Don held. Lasted forever......."Uncle" Tommy who taught US History across the hall from me and Floyd Scott the Senior English teacher would have a fit when he said" Just a friendly reminder." 

I was reminded this weekend with a couple there are rules I must follow when I marry you. 

They wanted to get married on Saturday, and the license they acquired from Orange County was gotten 24 hours before the wedding. 

In Texas you need a waiting period of 72 hours and the license is good for 90 days.  

Please, there are things in life I can fudge. I can't 'arrange' for you to graduate from my class without you passing, but I can't fudge a marriage license. 

Don't asking me to cheat here. I just can't.


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