Monday, July 5, 2021

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I Know, I Haven't Blogged in a While, and Here I Come a Bitchin'

 I don't know, I may have to give up any sort of TV broadcasts all together, just go online for all my news, especially local news, because the local stations ain't worth a shit anymore.....

Hell one station is down to two weathermen, and one half-assed sports reporter.

And the supposed to be news channels on cable, satellite, whatever are nothing but political arms of one party or the other. Just telling people what they "want to hear." 

I am to the point I no longer even understand what the hell commercials on TV are trying to sell about half the time.  It could be I watch Bloomberg Surveillance( Love Tom Keene, wears a bowtie like a Boss. Got to get a world currencies fix...) in the mornings and some of the technologies they have for sale have no usage in the education world.  ( That said, I can watch network TV and I can't understand the commercial)

Then Sonic has a commercial has an ad in which two women are sitting in a car talking about wearing their pajamas to Sonic to eat....and then one adds that she goes to Sonic....and takes her kids to school not wearing a bra......What are we to take from this? You can show up looking like White Trash to school? What happens if "god-forbid" you got to get out of the car and go into the school for some reason? Are we to be subjected at school to two breasteses "flopping around like two cats in a burlap sack trying to get out?" 

What the fuck are we selling here Sonic? 

I don't know anymore, the older I get the less I understand shit. Maybe it's supposed to be this way? 



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