Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Economics- Weds. Nov. 10th

 I don't plan to do economics every day, but you know, right now it just seems appropriate, and as I have said, if you read this on Facebook, likes, hates, whatever helps the readership. 

And I hate to be " Gloom and Doom." 


The Consumer Price Index( CPI) came out for the month of October this morning. It gauges inflation in this country. 

It was predicted that the CPI would be about .06%.....It was .09% That's prices going up just one month. 

The last time the CPI was .09% was 1982. The last time inflation was this bad was in 1990.  Thirty-one years ago.

Let's face it fuel, meat, and the cost of rent has lead the way in inflation in this country. 

I was reading this morning that used cars are at an all time high. ( Have a cousin who drives 2019 Toyota 4x4 truck  that was offered more than he paid for the vehicle.)

Part of the trouble is wages are not keeping up with inflation. Employers are just not will to pay workers more in many cases. 

That said, right now, the dollar( US Dollar, the greenback) is still desired. This morning you can trade the US Dollar for Argentinian Pesos at $1=100 Pesos. ( In the open market) in the black market $1 is going for 250 Argentinian Pesos.

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