Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Okay, I Know You're Grown-A$$ People, And This Will Upset Some of You-

 And in truth, I am done right now with mine. 

If you've not gotten a Covid vaccine, let me encourage you to get one. 

I know some of you are all afraid of the vaccine. But as I've said before, many of you ingested stuff that would kill a mule between the ages of 14 to 25. 

I did the booster a couple of months ago. Israel is going to shot #4 and when I go in April, I may get a second booster. ( Yep, 4th shot)

I know Omicron is not as bad, or supposedly not as bad as the other versions....That said, in Jan. 2022 there are 1,000,000 Americans positive. In Jan. 2021, there were 200,000. 

I don't know how this is going to play out. 

I figure at some point, I am probably going to test positive( Maybe not).....I am doing the shots in the hope they lessen the severity of the illness. ( I am also 64 years old...)

I've already lost 3 former students to Covid that I know of. All considerably younger than me. 

I really don't want to learn of another person I care about dying.

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