Saturday, January 29, 2022

The 800lb Gorilla in the Present Room

 So, let's talk about international affairs. 

If you were in my gubmint/economics class, I probably would have said something about it in about a 10 minute discussion. 

I keep saying this is a ploy by Russia to get concessions from Ukraine, but right now Russia has 100,000 troop lined up on the Ukrainian border ready to " invade." 

I keep saying that it's too cold to invade, but hell, it's Russia and they don't know any better. It's their turf. 

I could be wrong. 

Bad wrong. 

You can rest assured our  guys in the 173rd Airborne Brigade are on high alert in Italy. It's why they are there.....

It makes you wonder what internals in Russia are happening right now. I know the population of Russia is now down 1,000,000 over the last decade. They are not having any little "Russians." 

I know if there is an invasion of Ukraine, food prices will rise, even in this nation, as Ukraine is the " Bread Basket" of that part of the world. Remember people this is now a world economy. ( The Ole Govteach may or may not be in foreign F/X markets.)

Then, we have China.

The Chinese are having troubles with their economy. Their real estate market is about to collapse, and everyone in China has their money in real estate. It's their big investment. 

They keep making threats like they are going to invade Taiwan.  Sending strategic aircraft into Taiwanese airspace. 

It's like the Chinese are telling their people look at this, not this....

It has the U.S. so concerned we have two aircraft carriers in the South China Sea, the Carl Vinson, and the Lincoln. ( They somehow dropped an F-35 fighter off the Vinson into the sea. It's at the bottom now, allegedly, there's a race to get it to keep China from getting our secret technology.)

So, the world is hot right now. Pay attention. Stop paying attention so much to feckin' football. 

The real ballgame is in Eastern Europe and East Asia......


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