Monday, March 14, 2022


 So, a newsman was reporting that someone had lost $7000 at the Redbud playing some sort of a " Game of Chance."

What the feck?

Who carries $7000 with them to a carnival? Or was it on a Visa/Mastercard?

Have you not spoken to you family, especially younger family members about "gaming?" 

I already have trouble with gambling anyway. The house in the end is going to win. Can't you figure that out from size of the casinos in Vegas?

I am sort of amazed at the "Game Rooms" on Hwy 96 between Jasper and Buna as I drive home on Thursday evenings. Some lighted up like a 747 needs to see the driveway in order to land. 

Want to gamble, go to established places....Places where you might actually have some sort of a chance to win...Heck, if you really want to gamble, put your money into a nice blue chip stock. Those companies generally  want you to make money......The casinos in Vegas, don't want you to make money....

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