Sunday, April 24, 2022

So, I've Not Written a Blog in a While....

 I don't know, been in one of the as its been termed " Thomas Moods" for a while now. It's a defect in my DNA that run in a lot of the Thomas males on my side of the family. Surly, don't like nothing or nobody. 

I'm a little better this morning, so I am pounding out a blog. 

First, I am still worried about the economy. The earnings reports are not that good for businesses in the first quarter. We are due a recession. Get ready folks, it could be a doozy. 

- Saw that about half the damn schools were having prom last night. I know my first year retired it seemed odd not going. I did 33 proms, so  many, I really can't remember my own prom too well. I remember some of the ones at Buna better than my OWN senior prom.

- Speaking of schools. I see a number of schools are short people to teach and have all sorts of openings. Including Vidor ISD advertising now for teachers. 

Nope, I'm done. I couldn't teach with the new curriculum, and I'd keep parents mad. 

- Is it just me or is the year blowing by? It will be May next weekend. 

- There is a prayer vigil next Thursday at the rodeo area in Buna at 8:15PM for Cristi Ruso. That mess needs to end and the family needs closure. I get info from time to time and got a couple of tidbits we'll share Thursday on the radio show. Yes, we should be back on KJAS.

- Finally remember our old buddy Matt. I understand that he was moved early this morning to Herman in Houston. But that's the last info I have. Keep him in your prayers.



1 comment:

  1. Prayers sent for Matt. Praying for Cristi's family. I've been praying for them. The thing about the"candle light" vigil, why are they waiting so late? Why haven't they supported the family more begore now? The vigil is to "pray for Cristi" but to also "pray for our town." One of the "prayers" was a member of a local church. When I was having my mental problems and really needed someone to talk to, they told me to get back with them in two weeks. I could have died back then, if that was in the plans for me. That man didn't care. Yet, this towns gonna let him pray for them? I'll be praying for them from my home as I always do. Keep up the good work Mr. Kerry


Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...