Monday, April 11, 2022

Victoria's Secret?

 Yeah, I am going here today.

And yes, most guys like their wives,girlfriends to wear something like that around the house. And yes, it generally leads to ' Extracurricular" activities. 

But, that's not what I am here to discuss today.....

So, in this climate of "Woke" it seems that Victoria's Secret is including special needs girls in their model line up.

One includes a girl, who has " Down Syndrome." 

And yes, they have her modeling, in a black & white picture, as Victoria's Secret called it, a " Plunge bra."  And yes, there was considerable cleavage. 

The girl is 24 years old, and is not unattractive. 

Trouble is, after looking at her picture, I felt, well, ashamed of myself. 

Maybe it is because even though for 30+ year, my students were adults, I felt like I really must protect my "special needs" students. Heck, all my students. It was why my lectern was in the front corner of the room. So, I could try and protect girl's in short skirt's dignity, and maintain my "innocence."

If you believe that one, I have another one to tell you.  

The British media even said it was okay to " Sexualize people with Down Syndrome." 

I don't know, is that now an "okay" to use these people sexually? There's something wrong there. 



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