Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Not Good

 I don't know what to tell you. 

I've been asked a last couple of days if it was time to " Buy" in the stock market and what to buy. 

First off, while I have some economic training, I would not invest in anything right now. Things are too shaky.  

Second, I am not a financial advisor. Don't play one on TV. 

Third, things are so "Bearish" right now, I am wary of anything other than nice conservative investments. 

When the markets opened this morning, I was hopeful that the market might go positive today. As I write this blog at 12 Noon, the NYSE is -173. Who knows what it'll look like in an hour. Much less when the market closes at 3PM today. 

And I look for the Fed to really raise the interest rates tomorrow.  Inflation in running now at 10%+, lead by energy. They are going to have to do something.

People, you may need to keep cash on hand, if not in the bank, then on hand. Probably both. The way things are going investing in cash based interest rate type investments might be our best right now. And I am just guessing.

You may want to stock up on goods, especially foods. The wheat harvest in Kansas alone is looking at a 25% decline from the last year's harvest. This on top of no crop in Ukraine, a crop failure in India( heat wave) and a 40% decline in wheat harvested in China( Floods), well, wheat based products are going to go up a great deal in price. 

Heck, I saw the next thing that will be difficult to find will be tampons and other menstrual products. Would hurt to keep extras on hand. 

Avoid going into debt. I wonder how long before the fuel prices will really hurt the economy so badly people are laid off instead of being hired.

And don't blame the politicians, well, either side alone. Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have no answer to what is going on right now. It would be the same, no matter who would be in the oval office......It's just part of the cycle we are in, and it's a situation that is not just America, this is worldwide. Europe, Asia, Africa, everyone is in the same shape we are in, and in truth, we are better off than they are. Just look at the U.S. Dollar, its value is strong against everyone else's currency. 

Hang on folks, prepare a little, it's going to get worse. 

Keep your eyes open. A lot of the people telling you on financial TV programs are saying " Things are going to be alright" well, they don't know, and many don't want to start a panic. 

Do some research folks.

Don't buy that third house in Switzerland. Don't buy the new Bugatti. Don't buy your wife that 20 carat diamond ring. 

Prep a little folks.....And pray, pray hard....


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