Friday, June 3, 2022

No, No, No, Hell No!

 So, I know a couple of you have been waiting on my blog concerning the " Holy Land."

Once again, I went with my wife. Wasn't Kerry's trip. I figure Jesus is in my heart wherever I go. 

A trip to a place like Jerusalem is some of like a pilgrimage like you read when you had to read the " Canterbury Tales" in either June's or Tandy's English IV class. 

And the place was. It was like Disneyland for Christians. 

I hated it. 

I kid you not, Jesus isn't thrilled at what is going on there. 

Hated it with a passion. 

Part of it is when Deb and I travel we always rent a car and " Do Our Own Thing." ( Eat where we want, stay where we want, look at sites at our own pace.) This trip was with other people, on a damn bus and was 12 to 14 hours worth of site-seeing every damn day. 

The people on the bus went into a dynamic that was similar to a "clique" in high school. Oh, they were nice enough folks on the outside, but when it came to eating meals, other social activities, Deb and I were back at the " Nerd Table." And we were the only nerds. No one really wanted us at their table.

Last night on " Not on the Payroll" on Youtube and KJAS/KFAH I discussed the clique dynamic. 

I will go even further. I would try to explain to people what city we were in and what happened here 200-500-2000 years ago, and they acted like I surely didn't know this......and ignored me.......I so wanted to tell them, " I'm pretty damn smart in history/government/geography type shit motherfucker." " Last I looked I got close to 100 university, grad school, and divinity school hours in this area." 

But I didn't. I was good. I didn't want to embarrass my wife who in certain circles is known as " Debbie the Good, St. Debbie." Had a couple of kids in the Buna Class of '06 AP Government class  give her that nickname after she visited me in that class one day. 

Nope, can't think of a vacation I hated more. 

I seriously can't. 

BTW- Evangelical Christians, the average Israeli in the street either thinks you are a fool, a mark, or just downright hate you. Oh they love your money, but you, they hate. They hate Muslims for political reasons, but they hate Christians just as much.  

Too many, " We think this happened here," too many hours on a damn bus, ( My back is shot) too much time with people I won't ever see again, or care to associate with ever again......

All that said, I figure I'll get 2 maybe 3 trips to Scotland, England, Ireland, Wales out of this one.....

As far as I am concerned I am part of "God's chosen people." I follow his son, ( I do so poorly, but I follow him.)

Remember.....John 14:6- I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Go back? 


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