Friday, August 26, 2022

If I Was Still Teaching in Buna, I'd Hang This Up, Just to P*ss People Off

 I swear I would.

So, the new rule is, all schools in the state of Texas have to place a sign that says " In God We Trust" someplace on the wall in the school.

It'll be like the rest of the crap on school walls, bulletin boards, no one will even given it a look.

And to be honest, schools don't need to be in the "God" business.....Which God? Which religion and if it's Christian, I don't think some denominations view God the same way I do. ( I don't think you understand how many students today are no long religious, any type and it's not the public school's job to convert them. )

A guy in Florida is planning to send signs that say " In God We Trust" in Arabic. 

According to the rule, it doesn't say which language it has to be in......

After I spent two weeks in the Palestinian Christian Quarter of Bethlehem, well, at this point, they are the people I support in the "Holy Land." 

Palestinian Christians are treated like crap, especially by the Israelis. 

What language do these Palestinian Christians speak? Arabic. 

( As many of you know, I place stickers on the back of vehicle from wherever I travel. I had a hard time deciding what I was going to put on my window. I really hated the trip to Israel. The sticker I finally have ordered is one that supports Palestinian Christians. )

I swear if I was still teaching, I'd post one of those Arabic " In God We Trust" in my classroom, perhaps on my door. 

But then again, I did stuff because, well......I could, and dared someone to say something.

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