Monday, August 8, 2022

Okay Buna HS Class(es) of 1995 to 2011- This One's for You

 So, Jay came up with this and the more I thought about it, I liked the idea. 

As many of you know, Not on the Payroll is transitioning from terrestrial to more online.....We're on YouTube, Bumble...and more of a podcast than a radio show. For several reason....1. The old Govteach doesn't have to put a sign up in front of a microphone that says " Do Not Cuss!!! " 2. Jay and I get together and can go 2 hours discussing whatever  and not have to give a good damn about who we upset. 3. We can reach more people online than we can, plus you can watch anytime you want, not just 7PM on Thursdays.  

What we are proposing is a reunion Zoom call. 

Jay and I are already doing the show from the comfort of our homes, heck Jay did the show on his porch yesterday with his chickens. ( Yeah, sometimes it is old fashion " Redneck Radio....I often am remind by someone near to my heart that" You're pretty much a hillbilly with an education who likes Britain, and trust me, get outside the UK cities and they are pretty close to us.)

Not sure if we want to go by single classes, a couple of classes at a time, 5 years......Or everyone all at once. It is going to depend on the feedback we receive.

The logistics and times are still to be determined. 

Anyway, might be good to see/hear from a bunch of you. 

Hell, tell some old stories from back in "the day." Might be that time some of you can tell stories about your crazy-ass gubmint teacher. 

The show will of course be put on YouTube, Bumble etc.....

So, if you are interested, let us know, and if you would spread this around. Post it on your FB or tell folks what we are planning to do....

We would love for you to join us on a Zoom.

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