Thursday, August 18, 2022

We Really Love You Buna, Buna ISD.....BUT D*mn

 Somehow people think I hate the people of Buna, the district, and I had some things happen to me that left a sour taste in my mouth, but for years after I left, I recommended people who were looking for a rural setting to raise their kids the Buna ISD. ( I had sour things happen at every ISD I worked at....)

And everything I say about Buna is, well, I really want the community, the ISD to do well. If I did not love Buna Schools, I had more than one opportunity to leave. And had senior classes that made me wonder if I should move to another district I wouldn't have to go to proms, sponsor Jingle Ball Balls, BHS Homecoming Parades, graduations, NHS, UIL Academics. etc., etc.....And make more money....But, I actually liked y'all, even though I pissed you off then....and now...

I catch hell by people in the community when we get on KJAS ( Now the podcast) and get onto Buna. Jay and I both want the community to be a star in the crown, not a blemish. 

Look, as I said above for years, I bragged on the Buna ISD, the community to my friends in Mid-County, Orange County. I now have a friend who travels from up Hwy 62 to the lake every weekend, and all he talks about is " The burned out building, behind the bank." 

It doesn't take long to lose all the "good will" I thought I had done for the community....

Likewise with the Buna ISD.

Lot of the patrons are unhappy with the education going on. 

Now I know, there will always be more unhappy people, but I have gotten more negative feedback concerning Buna ISD. And I know there are still good people working at Buna Schools, 

I taught what 3-4 members of the Buna ISD Board of Trustees, and as one person wrote me, it seems like a " Rudderless ship." 

Look, when you hire a superintendent from outside the area, hundreds of miles from outside the area, no matter what they may tell the Board, no matter what they may tell the faculty, no matter what they tell the patrons of the community, they are going to use little 3A Buna ISD as a stepping stone.

I know some of you realize this, but a large number of you are somehow naive to the process.

Don't be hoodwinked in the process.

Look, superintendent of schools are often politicians.  5 years from now, I doubt the now Supt. of Wichita Falls ISD can even name anyone actually from Buna he worked with.....And they could care less. 

He " brought his people in" for positions of administration......Heck, in coaching jobs. 

What the hell kind of person leaves their job the first day of school? Hell, teachers would have their teacher's certificates pulled for such stunts, and my understanding the now Supt. of Wichita Falls ISD did that to people who tried to leave when he was in Buna.  

Allegedly, the Head Football Coach is already looking to leave at the end of the season. 

How is supposed to inspire the kids? Coach don't want to be here. How can he get " pumped up" for the Orangefield game, hell, he's not been here long enough to understand some of the hatred of O-Field. The Juniors and Sophomores will have a new head ball coach in Fall of '23. The entire program will have a new look. How many new coaches/teachers will the head new ball coach bring in? How many guys will lose their jobs, and they too are now looking for new positions? And is the new ball coach be one of these guys looking for his next job up the ladder of success? 

All I see the former Buna leader did was alienate much of the faculty, leave and take with him administrators at the start of a school year. 

I worry about Buna. I worry about the district.  

Some of you need to "take the blinders off" and look around. 



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